5 Colleges of Education Affiliated with KNUST

The details below focus on the Colleges of Education affiliated with KNUST. In other terms, both institutions have been officially connected. By this, the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology offers Certification for students who complete their courses successfully.

Colleges of Education Affiliated with KNUST

Colleges of Education Affiliated with KNUST

Here are the Colleges of Education affiliated with KNUST:

1. Akrokerri College of Education

Akrokerri College of Education was founded in 1962 and also one of the Colleges of Education responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located in the Ashanti Region of the Country. Akrokerri College of Education offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor degrees in several areas of study.

2. Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education

Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education (Bimbila) founded in 1962 is one of the Colleges of Education responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located in the Northern Region of the Country. Evangelical Presbyterian College of Education offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor's degrees in several areas of study.

3. St. Joseph’s College of Education

St. Joseph’s College of Education is one of the Colleges of Education, responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located in Bechem (Tano-North District) in the Brong Ahafo Region of the Country. St. Joseph’s College of Education was established in 1948 and currently offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor degrees in several areas of study.

4. Tamale College of Education

Tamale College of Education is one of the Colleges of Education, responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located in Tamale (Sagnarigu District) in the Northern Region of the Country. Tamale College of Education offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor degrees in several areas of study.

5. Wesley College of Education

Wesley College of Education is one of the Colleges of Education, responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located in Kumasi in the Ashanti Region of the Country. Wesley College of Education was established in 1922 and currently offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor degrees in several areas of study.

In conclusion, these are the Colleges of Education affiliated with KNUST.

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