6 Colleges of Education that are Affiliated with UDS

These are the Colleges of Education that are affiliated with UDS, University for Development Studies.
Colleges of Education that are Affiliated with UDS

Colleges of Education that are Affiliated with UDS

Below are the Colleges of Education that are affiliated with UDS, University for Development Studies:
1. Al-Faruq College of Education

Established in 1991, Al-Faruq College of Education is one of the Colleges of Education, responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located in the Brong Ahafo Region of the Country. Al-Faruq College of Education offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor degrees in several areas of study.

2. Dambai of Education

Dambai of Education is one of the Colleges of Education, responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located in the Oti Region of the Country. Dambai College of Education was founded in August 1974 and currently offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor degrees in several areas of study.

3. Gambaga College of Education

Established in 2013, Gambaga College of Education is one of the Colleges of Education, responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located in the North-East Region of the Country. Gambaga College of Education offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor degrees in several areas of study.

4. McCoy College of Education

McCoy College of Education is one of the Colleges of Education, responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located at Nadowli in the Northern Region of the Country. McCoy College of Education was established in 2014 and currently offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor degrees in several areas of study.

5. St. Vincent College of Education

St. Vincent College of Education is one of the Colleges of Education, responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located in Yendi in the Northern Region of the Country. St. Vincent College of Education offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor degrees in several areas of study.

6. Tumu College of Education

Tumu College of Education is one of the Colleges of Education, responsible for Teacher Education in Ghana. It is located in Sissala East Municipal in the Upper West Region of the Country. Tumu College of Education was established in January 1985, and currently offers courses and programs leading to officially recognized bachelor degrees in several areas of study.

These are the Colleges of Education that are affiliated with the University for Development Studies (UDS).

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